Can Women Drive Alone in Riyadh?
In the past, there used to be a very strict law imposed on the kingdom barring any women from driving. Women residing in the country were only allowed to buy their own vehicles but not drive. If women were to be taken anywhere on a vehicle a male relative or a private driver is needed to be behind the wheels.
These laws enforced on banning women from driving were eased by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman a couple of years back. Not only can women legally buy themselves a vehicle, but they can also independently take the wheel and drive around the kingdom now.
All women in Saudi Arabia can do their day-to-day errand runs or get to any preferred destination safely on their own without the need of a male relative or private driver. The eased restriction on women driving has brought a sense of ownership and independence to the lives of every woman living in the kingdom. Women taking on the wheel has also helped in the process of saving up money that would unnecessarily go to private drivers, taxis and other modes of transportation.

Here are some tips that could be followed by women to drive safely as possible around the kingdom:
- Always stay alert when driving
- Get a good sense of space in traffic
- Be cautious where you park your vehicle
- Know your vehicle all-around
- Plan your trips if possible
- Keep your fuel levels checked
- Keep your vehicle well-maintained